
Varicocelo or varicocele – what is it?

Varicocelum is a clinical entity characterized by a dilation of the veins located at the level of the testicles (veins of the pampiniform plexus of the spermatic cord). These are responsible for draining the blood that vascularizes the testicles. Similar to what happens to the varicose veins of the lower...

Premenstrual Tension or Premenstrual Syndrome

Also known as PMS, it is characterized by the appearance of physical and emotional symptoms that increase in intensity 4 to 10 days before menstruation and disappear with its onset. To date, it has not been possible to understand the origin of this syndrome due to the diversity of symptoms, as...

What is Endometriosis?

Know what endometriosis is. The causes, main symptoms and hormonal and non-hormonal treatments available for this disease. It is a disease in which cells that line the interior of the uterus and are called endometrial cells, grow elsewhere and cause the appearance of endometriosis lesions. These lesions appear most...

Urinary Tract Infections Are The Most Common Bacterial Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTI) represent the second most incidence-related infectious process, especially among women of all ages, but with greater impact on younger women. They are the most frequent bacterial infections in primary care. Often they can be repeating. They are, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, common, affecting both men...

Urinary stones of the upper urinary tract

Stones at the kidney and ureter (canal that connects the kidney to the bladder) are increasingly frequent, and may reach a prevalence of 20%. The disease is more frequent in men and occurs mainly between 30 and 60 years of age. Mediterranean countries, such as Portugal, are the ones...

Prostate Cancer Screening

Cancer has been one of the leading causes of death in the Western world for several decades and is responsible for great suffering in the sick and people around them. What we know today, with the resounding evolution of medicine in the last 40 years, is that many of these...

Vulvar and Vaginal Laser

(Non-ablative Laser Erbium: YAG 2940nm) The vulvar and vaginal laser is an innovative treatment for women at all ages. Throughout the woman's life the vagina will suffer changes in the mucosa. With entry into menopause, there is a decrease in estrogen production, leading to mucosal atrophy that leads to decreased vaginal lubrication,...

PSA and Prostate Cancer Screening

Prostate-specific antigen or PSA is a protein produced exclusively by the prostate and released into the bloodstream. Regular PSA dosing should be considered in all men over 50 years of age or over 45 if there is a family history of prostate cancer or if it is a black man. Psa elevation...

Low Urinary Infection In Women

Urinary infection may be low (bladder infection = cystitis) or high (kidney infection = pyelonephritis). This text refers to low urinary infections. How does urinary infection arise? Cystitis in women is extremely common because its urethra (channel that connects the bladder to the outside) is shorter and is closer to the anus...

I want to get pregnant! What’s next?

The arrival of a baby is a unique and long-awaited moment for a family. There is a lot of talk about the care needed during pregnancy and after childbirth. And before you got pregnant? Is there any kind of care that can contribute to the success of pregnancy and the...

Erectile Dysfunction

Their arrival at Portuguese pharmacies was more than 20 years ago and came to revolutionize the sex life of many couples. The drugs had the merit of initiating an authentic democratization of erectile dysfunction by allowing more talk on this subject, still considered inappropriate for many people. The sex life of...

Anxiety, Sleep and Covid

Anxiety disorders are a group of diseases characterized by the presence of worry, excessive fear, tension or the appearance of a perceptible malaise that disturbs the normal activity of an individual, derived from the anticipation of an objective or unknown threat. Anxiety when disproportionate in relation to the stimulus that provokes...